Jonathan Beyea
Kristen Halter
Christina Valadez
Brian Gong
Kristin Patterson
NeDina Asencio
Jessica Husselstein
SMEEA Negotiations Update
August 28, 2023
Settlement Reached, Ratification to Begin Soon!
Fellow SMEEA Members,
On Friday, August 11, SMBSD superintendent Dr. Darren McDuffie reached out to SMEEA with a proposal to resolve the impasse over Salary and Benefits. After carefully reviewing the elements of the proposal, SMEEA’s Negotiating Team has decided to accept the offer. Therefore, meeting with a state appointed mediator will not be necessary. We are pleased to announce that this agreement completes the bargaining process for the successor agreement to the contract that expired June 30, 2023.
Here are the details of the final agreement for Salary and Benefits:
Increase certificated salary schedule by 10%. This 10% will be applied to all certificated salary schedules, stipends and other certificated pay schedules.
Retro money will be paid for the time we have not had a current contract (back to 07/01/2023)
The cap on the District’s Benefits yearly contribution for certificated members will increase by $1100, per member. The district’s contribution will go from $13,700 to $14,800 per member.
Benefits costs for certificated members will increase by $48.36 per month (tenthly), effective 10/01/2023
Salary and Benefits will be open for negotiations in 2024/25 and 2025/26
Each party will have the ability to open 2 articles for negotiations in 2024/25 and 2025/26
This agreement has been drafted into a Tentative Agreement and both parties have signed. The next step is for both our membership and the school board to hold their ratification vote.
Here is a link to the 6/20/23 Negotiations Update with Last Best and Final Offers: 06_20_2023 Negotiations Update
Here is a link to the Ratification timeline. Our ratification process will include:
Two general membership Town Hall events on August 30 and September 6 to review all TAs and answer members' questions (both sessions will be the same).
Town Hall #1: August 30 Town Hall event will be at 4:15 pm. Click here for the Zoom link.
Town Hall #2: September 6 Town Hall event will be at 4:15 pm. Click here for the Zoom link.
Option for a mail-in ballot.
Time to discuss the agreement with fellow members
Ratification vote will end on September 12, 2023.
In order to vote in the ratification, please make sure you are:
Enrolled as a SMEEA member. Only members are eligible to vote - use this link to enroll —>
Subscribed to our members only email system. This is how you will receive a digital ballot. Use this link to subscribe —>
Your Negotiating Team is grateful for your continued support!
Negotiations Update
April & May 2023
Town Hall Video 4/25/23
This event reviewed the following TA’s Articles:
Article 3 - Association Rights TA
Article 4 - Professional Duties and Fees TA
Article 8 - Transfers - No TA or MOU:
Agreement to create an MOU regarding Preschool members transfer to other positions (see MOU Preschool Supports and Programs).
Agree to follow CBA language regarding the return of Transfer Fair.
SMEEA and the District both advertise and promote the use of the Transfer Fair
Article 21 - District Rights TA
Article 25 - Preschool MOU / MOU Preschool School Supports and Programs
Town Hall Video 5/2/23
This event reviewed the following TA’d Articles:
Article 5 - Work Day and Work Year
Section 5.1 - Calendar: The understanding is that the calendar will be approved in 2 year increments, NOT that we will always know 2 years out what the calendar will be.
Section 5.2.2 - Clean up duplicate sentences (done)
Section 2.2.2 - IEP Requirements (done)
Section 5.5 - Assigned Duties: This was determined to be a site issue and was sent to the site to be resolved at the lowest level possible
Section 5.6 - Staff Meetings TA
Section 5.7 - Extracurricular Duties
Section 5.8 - Adjunct Activities
Section 5.12 - Tk-6 Conferences (evening)
Section 5.13.5 - Site Coaches, beginning of school year: It was decided that site based coaches who are also teachers of record (JH coaches) will be given the time to set up their classrooms. This does not apply to intervention time with students (90 min a day), this is for the coach who has a class assigned for which grades are given AKA teacher of record.
January 2023
Your SMEEA negotiations team has met 3 of the four sessions scheduled so far.
November 14: Full day of Interest Based Bargaining training with our facilitator, Bridgette Bodine.
November 29: First full day of negotiations. We worked on Article 25 and Article 3.
December 6: This date was cancelled due to illnesses across both parties.
December 13: Full day of negotiations. Articles 25 and 3 have been TA'd.
The following remaining dates have been agree upon by SMEEA and the district:
January 12 & 24
February 8 & 23
March 7 & 23
In support of your negotiations team, please add these dates to your calendar and plan to wear your SMEEA blues on these dates.